Thursday, November 18, 2010


Ugh. Today has been a lazy lazy day. Been focusing on what to get R for Christmas, as well as my family. I have been volunteered to make brocolli rice casserole for R's family thanksgiving. Oh the joy. My mother has already bitched and said I will not be using her oven on T-day because she has way too much to accomplish in one day. So I then told her I would cook it the day before. And then I told her I was trying to convince R to go to his parents t-day by himself and I got to my family's by myself and then we meet up for his aunts. And then she started yelling again because we aren't married and we don't have to split holidays etc etc. Then I reminded her that KE and ML both went to their bf's houses for holidays before they were married. So then she shut up. Hah. Well I understand where she is coming from, she already has to split holidays with my sisters' in laws, ML said for a while that she was not coming to T-day and that she was having her own private Christmas at her house just for her family. Which I understand and we are celebrating Christmas like a week after the actual day but STILL. I feel for my mom, I am the last one left.

So now R is off of work, and after calling me on his lunch break and ordering me to run errands for him, he informs me that we are going to BWW to call D and invite him because he is inviting Matt. Great. How wonderful? Yes my love I would love to go out to dinner with you....and your friend.....and my friend. We never get alone time and it is frustrating. So frustrating. But I will deal with it I suppose.

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