Saturday, February 12, 2011

Busy Busy Busy!

So I am in Dallas at the moment for my twin nieces' birthday that was today, February 12, 2011. They turned 3. I baked them Snow White and Cinderella cakes! If you want to see them you can go to my website It's late and I don't feel like uploading them lol. So after two solid days of working on the cakes they came out a success and the girls absolutely loved them! I am supposed to be making a cake for my god-son's birthday this weekend! So many birthdays and cakes so little time! And of course I said I would do it at no charge! I am such a sap for babies and their birthdays! I actually have completed all of my homework and school work and  I am all caught up and actually a little ahead! I know I can't believe it either, me, do homework on time? GASP. lol. Well R is working so I am thinking that I may just stay here in Dallas for a while, especially since he will be working on Valentine's day!! WAH. But honestly I would rather have money than some gross chocolates. lol. Well I suppose that is all for now. I need to get my rest. Goodnight.